Practice Charter
What You Can Expect From Us:
- A commitment to provide care of the highest standard to each individual and family, irrespective of their background or circumstances
- Prompt care that is tailored to the needs of the individual patient · confidentiality on all matters
- Information and answers to questions about your own health and in particular: your illness and its treatment; possible alternative forms of treatment; possible side effects of the illness and any medication prescribed; prevention and avoidance of illness recurring; any proposed investigations
- The right to see your medical records, subject to limitations of the law (Data Protection Act 1990) and to have access to those records written after 1st November 1991 (further details on request).

What We Expect From You
The care of your health is a partnership between yourself and the Practice Team. The success of that partnership depends on a number of factors. In particular, we ask you to:
- Be courteous to all staff. Violent, aggressive or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated and will lead to your removal from our patient list.
- Plan your repeat prescription requests well ahead, especially around Public Holiday times. Attend appointments on time and, if you need to cancel, do so at least 24 hours in advance - we endeavour to see patients promptly but please remember that surgeries may from time to time run late due to the needs of patients, particularly if a patient is acutely unwell and requires protracted attention. We are grateful for the understanding and patience shown during such times.
- Please only request a home visit if you are housebound or bedridden.
- Make responsible use of all appointments, particularly emergency appointments.
Your Rights and Responsibilities
You have the right to express your preference for a particular doctor and the receptionists will try to make appointments according to your preference. However, patients must understand that there will be times when your doctor of choice may not be available.
Your personal information is strictly confidential and the surgery and all staff closely follow the guidelines of the Data Protection Act.
Personal information is used internally to monitor the surgery’s screening activities.
Statistics that do not identify the patient are routinely sent to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS England so that the surgery can receive payments according to the GP contract.
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, you have the right to view any of your medical records dated after 1 November 1991.
If you would like further information there is a leaflet entitled ‘How we use your health record’ available from reception.